Can You Afford to Research? The Financial Strain of Ph.D. Students in Spain


Can You Afford to Research? The Financial Strain of Ph.D. Students in Spain

Presented at: Precarity and Instability in Academia Symposium (PIAS)
Authors: Caterina Fuster-Barceló, Alejandro Guerrero-López

This talk, delivered at the 1st Precarity and Instability in Academia Symposium (PIAS), examined the financial challenges affecting Ph.D. candidates in Spain. The study analyzed government data on scholarships (FPU and PIF) compared to national salaries, inflation, and housing affordability, highlighting the severe financial strain faced by doctoral students.

Key Findings:

  • Scholarships are significantly below the national salary averages, making housing costs often unaffordable.
  • Financial strain leads to low doctoral completion rates and reduced interest in academic careers.
  • Current funding levels are inadequate, driving Ph.D. candidates to better-paying jobs outside academia.


The full paper is available in the PIAS Proceedings.

Event Details

The symposium was held on December 13, 2024, at the UC3M Campus in Leganés, Madrid, with an option for virtual attendance.