Can You Afford to Research? The Financial Strain of Ph.D. Students in Spain
Talk, Precarity and Instability in Academia Symposium (PIAS), Leganés, Spain
Talk, Precarity and Instability in Academia Symposium (PIAS), Leganés, Spain
Talk, SPAOM 2024, Toledo, Spain
Talk, ZIDAS Summer School, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
On June 2024 I had the pleasure to present the BioImage.IO Chatbot at the ZIDAS Summer School in ETH Zurich, Switzerland. The ZIDAS Summer School is a unique event that brings together leading experts in the field of bioimage analysis, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
Talk, AI4Life Workshop of Zero-Code Tools and BioImage Model Zoo Community Partners, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
During the AI4Life Workshop of Zero-Code Tools and BioImage Model Zoo Community Partners I had the pleasure to give a presentation about the BioImage.IO Chatbot together with Wanlu Lei, Benedict Diederich, Songtao Cheng, and Wei Ouyang.
Talk, AI4Life Workshop of Zero-Code Tools and BioImage Model Zoo Community Partners, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
During the AI4Life Workshop of Zero-Code Tools and BioImage Model Zoo Community Partners I had the pleasure to give a presentation about Transformers, Vision Transformers and our new development for a Fiji Plugin:SAMJ. Great thanks to Daniel Sage and Carlos J. García López de Haro whom I had the pleasure to present with.
Talk, ELIXIR, Virtual
Since January 2024, Elixir has been hosting virtual talks on generative AI. I was fortunate to secure a presentation slot to showcase the BioImage.IO Chatbot and its latest features. This includes the integration of from Elixir into our chatbot’s knowledge base.
Talk, Euro-Bioimaging Virtual Pub, Virtual
I had the pleasure to present our precious BioImage.IO Chatbot at the Virtual Pub of Euro-Bioimaging as part of the AI4Life Project.
Talk, Effectively Communicating Bioimage Analysis Workshop, East Sussex, UK
I had the pleasure to attend and present at the Workshop for Effectively Communicating Bioimage Analysis in East Sussex, UK organised by The Company of Biologists and Focal Plane. In this workshop not only I had the most precious time at the Buxted Park but also I had the opportunity to present the deepImageJ project and learn from the best in the field.
Talk, I2K 2023, Virtual
I had the pleasure to present our work on leveraging cloud-based virtual desktops for bioimage analysis with BAND and deepImageJ at the I2K 2023 conference.
talk, Unidreams, Virtual
He tenido el placer de dar una pequeña charla en la semifinal de Unidreams sobre mi trayectoria profesional. La he tituloado ¿Quién me lo habría dicho? porque si alguien me llega a preguntar cuando tenía 18 años qué quería ser de mayor, no hubiera dicho ni de lejos que iba a ser ingeniera y menos aún que iba a tener un doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática.
Seminar, UC3M, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Bioingeniería
I had the pleasure to show to my collegues from the Department a short presentation about GitHub Copilot and their insights. I hope you enjoy it!
Talk, Idoven, Gran Vía, Madrid
I had the pleasure to visit IDOVEN and give a small talk about my PhD Thesis in the Telefónica Building in Gran vía, where their office is placed.
Talk, SkypeAScientist, Virtual
Thanks to the Skype A Scientist Program I was connected to Gerda Resinger from the Linzer Technikum Highschool to give last year students a talk.
Talk, PyconES, Granada, Andalucía
La charla entera la podéis ver aquí:
Talk, Women Techmakers Madrid 2022, Puerta de Toledo, Madrid
Más información en Women Techmakers Madrid.